TCM Acupuncture
- Why you
need us
- How we can help you
TCM Acupuncture - More than needles
Diagnosis in TCM
We design a tailored treatment based on your assessment. We provide an initial consultation so we can identify the root issue. Based on the information that we receive, we will design a treatment plan that best suits your condition.
Individual treatments
We will offer a special prescription for each client based on their individual needs. Each prescription contains different herbal ingredients that work to help alleviate the symptoms of the illness. The secondary aim is also to improve the general health and well-being of our patients.
Here are TCM Acupuncture helps with these issues:
Hormonal issues
Examples are:
• Menopause • Anxiety and Depression
• Insomnia • Stress • Fertility Issue
To lessen the symptoms of bodily and muscular pains:
Issues we regularly help with:
• Arthritis • Fibromyalgia
• Headaches and Migraines
Irritable bowel syndrome:
According to traditional Chinese medicine, irritable bowel syndrome is caused by a dysfunction of the spleen and liver, or of the spleen and kidney, as well as the stagnation of different toxins, and the organs can be balanced by clearing them of these toxins.
Dermatology treatments
Healthy weight management
This can be caused by:
• Poor Circulation • Metabolism
• Breathing Disorders • Hormonal Imbalance
• Digestive Disorders
According to Chinese traditional medicine, a healthy body depends on an extremely important energy cycle, which is the "qi" in the body. This energy exists in the veins of the whole body (Twelve Meridians), and the acupuncture points are located in these veins. When an organ becomes active or becomes impaired, the energy cycle becomes abnormal. There is a blockage in the meridians, which must be opened. Therefore, acupuncture can treat patients and restore the circulation of the veins to normal.
We use acupuncture (needles/cupping/moxa), Tuina (meridian/acupressure), and natural herbal therapies to develop and engage the entire body. This can promote and help maintain a healthy body and can be used in conjunction with modern medicine for more effective results.